Why Small Groups?

We were created for community. As disciples of Jesus on a journey of growth we need one another. Small Groups are a way to find life-to-life community where you can know and be known. God is a relational God and as we grow in relationship with others we discover more of who we are and who we are called to be.

What is a Small Group?

Quite simply a Small Group is a group of people who are intentionally building community together. They come in all shapes and sizes as we know life looks different for everyone. Whether through Life Groups, Bible Studies, Coffee Groups, or Discipling Groups, the goal is building community.

  • Life Groups usually consist of around 10-12 people in a group, these groups are often held in a leader/host’s home and people come together to enjoy fellowship with each other. There is a good mix of

    Content (centering around some sort of topic, study, sermon discussion guide, or video series),

    Care (learning about each others lives and praying for each other),

    Recreation (doing the fun things of life together!) and

    Serving (finding interests that your specific group is passionate about helping with)

    These are designed to be flexible as everyone’s life is different and often busy! Meet every week? Sure! Meet every other week? Go for it! Do one week as a study, then the next as a potluck? Sounds awesome.

    Do what suits you and discover community along the way.

  • These generally happen at the church building and are open to everyone. The main focus here is to open up God’s word and study it together. There is usually a Bible Study Leader and they work through a specific book. It is amazing the community that can be built by simply opening God’s word together!

  • Sometimes what you need in life is just some people to share a cup of coffee with. These groups are more casual in nature and focus on connecting with you exactly where you’re at. So if you like moments of fun chit-chat mixed with moments of deep connection, come grab a cup of coffee (or tea or water!) at a Coffee Group.

  • Discipling Groups are groups with a specific discipling focus. They can vary in their content, focus, length, size, and so on. Whether its a seminar on a specific Christian Life topic that runs for a few weeks, or a group aimed at spiritual formation through the spiritual disciplines, keep your eye on our church calendar to see which ones are running that might help you on your journey of discipleship.

Small Group Leader’s Sermon Discussion Guides: