• Sunday mornings.

  • This depends on which role you decide. You will be located near all the classrooms.

  • Hall Monitor: Does Fireside room check in, classroom number head count, checking on classrooms and supervise bathroom use.

    Preschool Hall Monitor: Hands out stickers to children and parents, security for who can enter a classroom and collect children, supervise bathrooms, and get parents if needed.

    Teachers: Prepare and lead activities for small group classroom time using curriculum.

    Helpers: Are in the Fireside room and classrooms to help with games, crafts, handing things out, cleaning things up and keeping kids on task.

    Open Session Leaders: Run the large group time in the fireside, they teach the Bible lesson and memory verse, all from the curriculum. Can also lead songs or games in that time and release kids to small group class time.

  • There might also be additional places to serve for extra events or programs. Like the Sardis kids Christmas program.