Our Care Ministry at Sardis Fellowship seeks to be there for people when going though a time of need. Most of our care needs are met through being a part of our Life Groups as people are connected into deeper community However, there are often circumstances that lead to a higher level of care that is needed for a time. Whether someone has an acute health need or an ongoing need, or recently had baby, are aging and are isolated or shut in, we don’t want anyone to be forgotten.

 If caring for others is something you would enjoy doing here are some of the ways you can do that:

  • Join our Care Team and visit people in need of care

  • Join our Prayer Team and receive weekly emailed prayer requests

  • Join our Meals Ministry and make a meal for people in need

  • Join our Shuttle Team and drive seniors to medical appointments

As we seek to be the body of Christ and to be there for each other we want to do this in the love that God has shown towards each of us.